Mandalas of Love - Level 1

Mandalas of Love – 6 month course. NEXT MOL LEVEL 1 COURSE STARTING 19TH JUNE 2025

£155 / month for 6 months or £900 one off payment

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Are you feeling called to come on this 6 month journey of personal Inner Alchemy with me? and Master a completely new vibrational healing pathway for Hearts, Homes and the Earth.

I am sharing for the very first time this new work that has come together as a developmental completion of the Way of The Rose. A path I first entered upon in May 2010. It is a deep pathway of awakening Divine Feminine Wisdom and the Way of Beauty, Truth and Love.


REGISTRATION FOR 2025 opens in May

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There will be fortnightly live webinars starting on 20th June
Thursday evenings 7pm-8.30pm UK/2pm-3.30 EST
Depending on the size of the group I may also offer an alternative day/time
You will need to attend 50% of the live webinars to receive the Certification or have agreed otherwise with me.

Recordings of the webinars which will be posted out to the group and also available here on the Rose Portal MoL webinar page.

As we go through the 6months you will also have access to all of the recorded and archive 1-7 Rose classes relevant to the Mandala we are working with.

A private Facebook group for updates, questions and sharing.

Our last gathering is a bonus on 19th December for a group Solstice celebration and Certificates.

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