Rose 2

Rose 2


Rose 2 class works with the 3 Master Roses. MR1 The Divine Masculine, MR2 The Divine Feminine and MR3 The Golden Flame. These 3 Roses came forward as I completed my initial 12month journey with the original Roses that form Rose 1 and the Chakra healing grid.
I was then guided to visit Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland and tune in to the weave of the energy streams in the Chapel to deepen my understanding and experience of the nature of these two forces of life, Masculine and Feminine, Yin and Yang and what is birthed within as they dance together.

The online class is shared over 2 sessions with videos, workbook, grid and other supporting material

Please scroll down to see full class session content

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Session 1 –


  • A refresher of the overall context for the Rose Alchemy Oracle
  • The journey to Rosslyn Chapel and its significance and connection to the Roseline and the ancient Mystery School teachings
  • The symbolism in the Chapel and the Sacred weave of Masculine and Feminine within the landscape and its relationship to our inner experience
  • The symbol of The Caduceus and other images used in Alchemy and the Mystery Schools
  • The qualities of the Inner Masculine and Feminine expressed in the positive and the negative
  • How the power of the balanced relationship of these 2 energies within brings illumination and inner peace.
  • We will focus on MR1 the Divine Masculine and MR2 The Divine Feminine in this session and there will be the opportunity to be reflective in your own time.
  • The pdf will offer journaling and self enquiry before the next session.

Session 2 –


  • A review of the content of session 1, MR1 and MR2
  • There will be an opportunity to share any insights and ah-ha’s you feel to from your enquiry and journaling and ask questions.
  • We will dive deeper into possible teachings contained in the Mysterious ‘Book of Love’ and what that might open up for us in our life today.
  • What is this third force that opens when the energies of Masculine and Feminine come into balance?
  • How we work with this within ourselves and in our relationships with others
  • We will connect with and explore the energy of MR3 and her message.
  • We will finish with a beautiful Rosy Heart and Crown activating meditation.
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